Summary Bellaire Vision Plan– posted January 2022 |
And the survey results are in! – posted 2021
The Village of Bellaire, along with the Community Improvement Cooperation of Belmont County, thank you for your interest in the Bellaire Community Survey. Results from 306 respondents have been tabulated. The survey captured the biggest community issues and concerns while also identifying strengths and values. Ideas and opportunities were also identified to allow for future planning and visioning. Survey highlights include:
-The top issues to address: cleanliness/aesthetics; safety/security; and stronger commercial/retail environment
-64% would consider walking as a mode of travel in the downtown area
-The top businesses they would like to see added include: restaurant, shopping/retail, and entertainment
-Top recreational improvements: access to the river, increase/enhance pedestrian areas, and bike paths
-Highly valued community features: The Bellaire City Park (Union Park), local festivals, and Farmer’s Market
-The highest rated vision images: downtown street views with shade, exterior seating that encompass the sidewalk and portions of the street. A riverside amphitheater/park and recreational river access were also highly rated.
-Top suggestions for change/improvement: improve cleanliness; more downtown small businesses/restaurants; resolve drug problem to increase safety; repurpose or demolish vacant/dilapidated buildings; road repair
-What is valued about the community: Local, small town, community pride; historic buildings/churches, Great Stone Viaduct, and Bellaire City Park (Union Park)
July 2021 Update: Since the survey closed in spring 2021, Bellaire business owners have banned together and, working with the village and the CIC, have started implementing projects that have emerged from the survey results.
- The group has designed, purchased, and installed banners around town that express their mantra, “Our Home – our Future”.
- The CIC, with support from the village and the business owners, applied for a grant the end of June 2021 to purchase picnic tables throughout the downtown area.
- The business owners meet monthly to discuss and work on projects together.
- Early in discussions, the business owners expressed the desire to have a small map that they could have at their point of sale that they could refer to when out-of-town customers asked for suggestions for food and things to do while in the Village. To that end, the group worked with the CIC to create a small map of the business district that would allow them to refer business to one another. Businesses can print this map for their use.
Original Project Post:
We are helping the village of Bellaire create a visioning document. To create this document, we will be disseminating a survey to area residents seeking feedback and opinions on what they would like to see in Bellaire in the future.
Complete the Survey! The survey is closed.
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